"Nine The Phantom" Arcade Mode | Blazblue Central Fiction Gameplay

BlazBlue: Central Fiction

2015-12-03 00:29:09 en 0


From: http://www.twitch.tv/nanajo_live Ragna The Bloodedge Blazblue central fiction arcade ending with Nine the phantom boss fight Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheKoefficient Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/koefficient63 SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE: https://youtube.com/subscription_centeradd_user=IlFaNaTicIl Group Channel: PSN: Koefficient63/LeKoefficient63 Tags: Nine BBCF Nine blazblue nine blazblue central fiction nine gameplay nine bbcf gameplay nine boss fight nine bbcf boss fight nine central fiction gameplay Nine the Phantom Gameplay Nine the Phantom central fiction Nine the phantom blazblue Nine Arcade Mode Gameplay Nine Arcade Blazblue Nine Arcade Mode blazblue Nine The Phantom Arcade Gameplay
