Mortal Kombat Special Forces on Hard part 1/9

Mortal Kombat: Special Forces

2010-09-01 00:13:36 en 0


Here is a playthrough of that crap MK game Special Forces. It's on hard and it's still too easy. Sorry for no audio, but I had lags while recording and I had to speed up footage, so I had to replace audio with custom music (this game is stupid enough without squirell voices). Actually you can thank me that I spared you hearing how Jax verbally destroys enemies XD Custcenes were downloaded from YT and added during editing. Why I'm playing it? So you don't have to (and I'm very very bored). I don't know how, but try to enjoy it and remember, crappy game or not I put effort into this playthrough. Whole playthrough here:
