Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks - Shang Tsung Gameplay - by ennohex

Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks

2013-06-02 HD 00:06:21 en 0


A Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks hack that allows an individual to play as Shang Tsung. I added the commands used for executing his attacks. :) Mastercode Z56Z-AXZC-97D3B 7KUY-PK54-Z8YUW Boss fix code GW3T-H8VF-V2PXY NVBR-G458-3KNAD P1 Play as Young Shang Tsung (select+L1) EKDW-V1JH-2TVAG UTYW-APTD-QYE3U FY80-CGVX-8KJ5Y Remember that there are 2 ways of using the code. 1 - Press the button combination and then go to any save point, save, and re-load. 2 - Hold down the button combination after selectiong difficulty at the start at the game, or right after selecting a load state.
