Gradius III Arcade - Full Run on Very Difficult (1/8)

Gradius III: From Legend to Myth



グラディウスIII ~ 伝説から神話へ ~ Gradius III ~ From Legend to Myth © 1989 Konami Part 1/8 of the full run of Gradius III on the hardest difficulty. Machine settings: Difficulty: Very Difficult/Hardest Bonus: 1st at 20000 and then every 70000 Starting stock: 3 Ok people, this is it. One of the hardest shooter games ever conceived. Played on its hardest setting. Clearing this game was without a doubt the most difficult thing I've ever achieved in my gamer's life. People say this game is the hardest in the series, and way overly unfair. I have to disagree. Gradius IV on hardest is much much harder than this. People say this game is too long. I then direct you to Gradius V, which has fewer levels, but each level can be a 10+ minute ordeal. And woe be upon you if you die in either of those games =). This video covers levels 1 and 2, Desert and Bubble stages. Level 1 on hardest becomes much much harder than on normal mode....but beyond that, I think...
