Gradius II Arcade - Full Run on Very Difficult (1/4)

Gradius II: Gofer's Ambition



グラディウスII ~ GOFERの野望 ~ Gradius II~ The Ambitions of Gofer ~ © 1988 Konami This is part 1 of a full run of Gradius II Arcade on the hardest difficulty. Machine settings: Difficulty: Very Difficult Bonus: First bonus at 20000 and then every 70000 Gradius II is the best in the series, more advanced than the first, but without the extreme recovery problems of Gradius III, and without the high difficulty of Gradius IV. Great music and level design. I never get tired of playing through this game no matter how many times I lose =). The video covers levels 1,2, and 3 (Burning Heat, Synthetic Life, and Crystal World). Unfortunately I didn't do too well in terms of score overall (usually I finish Burning Heat with over 60000), but survival takes priority over victory(score), survival itself is a victory. I had a few close shaves in lots of places, especially on Crystal World, that stage requires some luck to get through, if you are unlucky the i...
