Yu-Gi-OH 5D's Master of the Cards (Duel Transer) Wii on Dolphin Emulator

Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's: Master of the Cards



Yu-Gi-OH 5D's Master of the Cards (Duel Transer) Wii on Dolphin Emulator. It just release today. try it with latest revision and it freeze before you enter Yggdrasil Entrance but it's works on revision 4314 and below (I use default setting). I got around 50 fps with 1 problem It's Sound Effect. A lot of times it disappear. My PC Spec is Corei5 750 2.66 GHZ, Ram 4 GB, ATI Radeon 5770 1 GB, Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit. This is almost perfect playable on Dolphin only sound effect missing. **Update** For Missing Sound Effect you can use revision 4838 Patch for Tales of Grace to enble sound effect in the game = 100% Fully Playable on dolphin. **Update 2** revision 4838 have sound problem if you play this game for a long time use revision 4716 Patch for Tale of Grace instead. You can download it from http://cid-9faae3caa4bf67bb.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/.Public/Dolphin?sa=127838391
