Syphon Filter Mission #20 Missile Silo (Final Mission)

Syphon Filter



Gabe has made it to the missle silo only to find a missle known as R-9 is prime for launch. The countdown has started so Gabe won't be able to stop it from launching so Lian goes to plan "B" retiving the self desturcion codes on the missle it's self and uploading them in the mainframe computer where he'll also find the infomation on Syphon Filter. Also the agency true plot is exposed as Markinson finally decide now to show up. Rhoemer's being working with the agncey the hold time to get thier hands on the virus! Bastard! Gabe will have to deal with Rhoemer later right now he's gotta destory that missle or we're looking at WWIII.
