PSX Longplay [033] Digimon World (Part 1 of 11)

Digimon World


Descripción Played By: RickyC 100 Prosperity points run. Played a few times but never recruited all digimon before. Surprsing fun game, better on the first run when you don't know what you're doing. In this video I cut out 2 things, One is the 2nd time I trade 99 med recoveries to the snow guy since it takes awhile, the other times is when I wait with penguinmon for a few days for him to digivolve. Use a lot of save states on the training equipment. However the bonus rounds are broken anyway. The game makes it so most times it's impossible to line up 3 slots, specially golden poos. The last reel will screw you over and skip ahead when you try to stop. Some games you can line them up often other games, like this time, its quite rare to be able to do so. When I completed the main story and come back later I could line them up 100%. I used save states to see if I could lock the 3 in place and if not then just do normal training. First digimon I raise wasn't the...
