[PS1] SRW Alpha - 01A - Cockpit of Steel

Super Robot Wars Alpha



INAZUMA KIIIIIIICKKKK!! BOOST KNUCKLE!!! In a attempt to do stuff faster, I'll upload SRW alpha and alpha gaiden at the same time (if i have enough free time). First part it's like a training (at least for you, since your characters are actually being surpassed in number in a war): just have some fun with those 4 enemies and done, since on next round more enemies will appear and the screen will go pitchblack (it's not like you could defeat ALL of them with only 3 mechas and a mothership). From what I've noticed, the next part depends of the kind of robot you choose. I choose a super robot, btw. The mission here is defeat all the enemies. Mission fails if your character or Kouji gets killed, so be careful. Also, if you wonder about the 2 options when you're on the map, it's simply asking you to read the instructions or not (kinda useful if this is your very first SRW game, but you need to know japanese for that). Also, is it just me, or Alpha runs way smoother than Alpha Gaiden?
