Pokémon Stadium - Prime Cup: Master Ball

Pokémon Stadium

2013-01-05 00:32:45 en 0


So i finally reach the Prime cup master ball. This time i used my main team,it was pretty fun to play this cup after a long while. The last trainer have Mew in his team,and he ALWAYS use it (so dont start praying for luck in hope that he doesnt use it),but he will never start with Mew (apparently,the A.I is programmed to always choose Mew as his second pokemon unless he have another Pokemon with better typing that the one the player's using). If you are going to use rental pokemons in masterball,you're gonna have a hard time,so its recommended to use personal pokemons because of the level of difficulty of this cup. Fun fact: In pokemon stadium 2,the A.I. is programmed to ALWAYS start with Mew no matter what (and in the second round,he always start with Celebi IIRC),but in this game,he always chose Mew as his second pkmn. You can find the playlist of this series here: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB9888AC767D24A28&feature=view_all Enjoy the video.
