Pokémon Snap Playthrough Part 1

Pokémon Snap

2013-02-16 00:29:08 en 0


This is one of my favorite Pokémon spin-offs, so I wanted to make a Playthrough of it. This Playthrough is going to show how to take a picture of the 63 Pokémon in the game. In this part, we go through the Beach, Tunnel, and Volcano. Keep in mind that if I don't get a certain Pokémon there the first time, I'll go back to the stage and get it. These are the Pokémon that we take a picture of in this part: Pidgey: This one is a guaranteed snap. As soon as you begin the stage, you'll have to take a picture of the Pidgey flying around. Doduo: Doduo runs kind of fast, so getting a centered picture may be tough for beginners. Just take a picture when it jumps out of the tall grass. Pikachu: Pikachu is in many areas of this game, including the Beach, Tunnel, River, and Cave. You'll find Pikachu in two areas of the Beach. The first one is standing, not really doing much. If you lure it to the surfboard with Pokémon Food, you can take a picture of Surfing Pikachu for more points. As w...
