Pokemon Colosseum - Any% [4:37:02]

Pokémon Colosseum

2012-12-07 04:41:43 en 0


This run was done live at http://www.twitch.tv/blkyoshi. (Actual stream: http://www.twitch.tv/blkyoshi/b/345217734) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to Toothache42 and Emp_bootecks for making this run possible. When I was routing the any% part of this game, I based my route off of Toothache42's segmented 100% run on SDA, and during my second attempt he watched and helped me through the whole 6 hours, so major thanks to him. Emp_bootecks also played a huge role in the routing. He pretty much developed all the strategies used for every boss in the game, and is also the previous world record holder. He's what the made times this low possible. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
