Persona 3 - Gameplay 09 ( "Reaper Battle" ) P01/03

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3



Video recorded by Master LL ( ) "Reaper Battle" -- BATTLE Part 01/03 -- I figured if I could beat the final boss, I might as well try beating the Reaper. Lv73 (Lv66-69 Allies) vs Lv99 Reaper LL's Plan: - Succubus (My best demon with near max stats, only reason why I survived a lot considering I have the lowest HP) - Keep Aigis & Akihiko buff/debuff - Junpei to help attack - Once Reaper has 2nd turn, I wait if I pull a critical, so Reaper waste turn getting up (key factor in winning) - High Counter accessory (Omega Drive) is needed for myself to survive his Arrow attacks (or it is instant death if it criticals) Reaper has 4444 hp. Interesting note, "4" in Cantonese "sei" is die. So.. die die die die! ------------------ System: PS2-ENG 1st Gameplay, Normal Rank Level 73
