[NO COMMENTARY WALKTHROUGH] Nier (Gestalt) - part 1




In which I had to record two or three times because the TV colors went weird for some reason and then I accidentally screwed up my save data for my PS3 account and had to copy it into my OTHER PS3 account in order to sync up my trophies and get the game working. God I'm stupid sometimes. After a recommendation from two friends, I decided to get back into "Let's Plays". Only this time, I'm doing the main story quest of one of the most under appreciated PS3 titles I know of: Nier (aka the best birthday present I've ever bought for myself). Why Nier? Because I love the game to death and I wanted to show my friends what it was and why I find it to be a great game (mainly story, voice acting and music wise but the gameplay is fun too, but a little TOO easy on easy mode). I want to see how much of the game I can complete before I go to Japan. Time for a little background for those who don't know much about the game! In Japan, there were two versions of the game; an Xbox version (Nier Repl...
