Nintendo 64 Longplay [014] Asteroids Hyper 64

Asteroids Hyper 64


Descripción Played by: Mad-Matt Its ...asteroids with a story and some aliens thrown in for good measure. The developers must have missed the release of stardust/super stardust as they were much better takes on the asteroids game. All 6 zones played on Hardcore difficulty. Classic asteroids unlocked and relentless mode which is more of a see how long you can survive score attack without a secondary weapon. neither are shown in the video. I do show 2 unlocked ships at the end but their are al so 2 more that can be found with a cheat code. I dont know how they are found without it. Zone 5 was interesting as the asteroids all came downwards only and you pretty much just shoot them before they hit the earth (to many hit and the level is lost). The most disappointing aspect is that after the difficult 6th zone, there is no real reward for beating it, not even a well done text.. Game was played on bizhawk using glide mk2 plugin. I had to render twice with filter on/off as t...
