Need for Speed Undercover - Part 1 - No Commentary (HD PC Gameplay)

Need for Speed: Undercover

2015-07-16 00:06:08 en 0


Part 1 includes: Intro race, and Aubrey Street Sprint (Dominated) in the Nissan 240SX (Stock) with all accompanying cutscenes and screens. I've been having trouble bringing myself to recording anything as of late, and I figured this would be the easiest game to play considering it's easy, I could just use Shadowplay, and I'd not bother cutting it down much because I'm so damn good at the game that I wouldn't have to do that. I've been getting into car games a lot recently, so I guess I'll try and use cars in this playthrough that I've not used in one before to spice it up a bit. Maybe I'll get to that Shift playthrough at some point too... Need for Speed Undercover Playthrough Playlist: New series, so you know what that means! I'll just drop a bunch on ya... no racing games oddly enough. Psychonauts: IYLT4-027CH-FZAE6 Company of Heroes: 50CML-0W26C-3LALV Cities in Motion 2: JLYGP-XQ03R-VPMEK Torchlight II: G...
