Mario Power Tennis (GCN) - Rainbow Cup (Singles) - Boo

Mario Power Tennis



Mario Power Tennis (GCN) - Rainbow Cup (Singles) - Boo One of Mario and Luigi's sneaky and troublesome foes, Boo, returns to the Mushroom Kingdom's tennis scene, still looking for his first trophy. He fell short in the Flower Cup, Star Cup, and Thunder Cup, and he especially blew a close opportunity in the Fire Cup. Boo's shots, which come with a notably uncanny and possibly supernatural curve, haven't bested, besides Koopa Paratroopa, his comrades. Bowser defeated Boo in the Flower Cup. Boo's doubles partner, the persistent Shy Guy, knew better than his ghostly partner so far, although Boo beat him recently in the Fire Cup. Given this, the Rainbow Cup presents another opportunity for Boo as six fan favorites and Wario take the court of the first cup of the Star Tournament series. Will Boo use this opportunity to his advantage? Or will a certain "man in green," who is armed with the Poltergust 3000, vacuum that opportunity away?
