[iOS] THE KING OF FIGHTERS-i 2012(F) - Gameplay

The King of Fighters-i

2015-03-03 HD 00:05:44 en 0


THE KING OF FIGHTERS-i 2012(F) Brief gameplay of THE KING OF FIGHTERS-i 2012(F). In my quest to find the perfect fighting game on mobile I have found this game. I would not hesitate to say that this is by far the best free fighting game available on the mobile platform. The buttons layout are simplified for mobile compared to the arcade version. So you don't need to do complex command for the combos. With so many character roster and game modes, you should try this if you are a fan of fighting games. Available on iOS and Android. P.S: The Android version is named THE KING OF FIGHTERS-A 2012(F) Played on iPhone 6 Plus, iOS 8.1.3 Price: Free App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/app/the-king-of-fighters-i-2012-f/id958070620?mt=8 Google Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.snkplaymore.android010&hl=en
