Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince | Part 10 | Walkthrough / Gameplay | M1903 Pred | HD |

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

2011-06-27 00:14:42 en 0


Thought i would play this and have it as my second walkthrough instead of deathly hallows. But i will probably do that after as it wasent a fun a game to play as this. i completed it all that same day, so im rendering out all part. [Story Mode that is] just finding the last of the crests to get my achievements xD. I have completed this before on a different account but my achivments got reset ): so having to redo it. And yes, sorry i kinda fail at quidditch and potion making haha! i really did try to do my best at it, i even failed on a few attempts during recording so i had to edit them out. But i hope you enjoy and thankyou for watching! Could you like the video? every like gives me a smile muaha(: M19 Pred. P.S Twitter's http://www.twitter.com/M1903Predator
