CTR (Crash Team Racing) [PS1]

Crash Team Racing



It's a multi-player kart racing game starring your favorite bandicoot CRASH and a host of his friends...and foes! The stakes are high and the competition is fierce. Ready...Set...GO!!! More than 12 playable characters in all. Select from your favorite characters - Crash-Coco-Cortex-Tiny-Dingodile-N. Gin-Pura-Polar and other secret racers! Plug in the Multi Tap and up to four players can race to the ugly finish. 25 trick-filled tracks... It all boils down to pure racing skills. 5 Challenging race modes: Adventure-Vs-Time Trial-Arcade and Battle Modes Reduce your fellow drivers to roadkill - launch bombs-lob missles-lay down TNT Crates and NITRO. All's fair in love and war! Tons of wild Power-Ups with Wumpa Fruit superchargers Amazing Kart control-Power Slide-hop-burn out-pull wheelies-spin and sideswipe other racers! It's a full-blown battle on wheels. Buckle Up.
