Assassin's Creed Unity speedrun [2:44:01] part 01

Assassin's Creed III

2015-06-14 00:22:25 en 0


Welcome to the Assassin's Creed: Unity any% segmented speedrun by me, Fed981. There are 46 segments, the first one was recorded on 2015/05/17 and the last one on 2015/06/10. Timing note: there is no in-game time for this game. I timed frames from first user input (title screen) to last user input. Then I subtracted all loading screens (double rotating white polyedra, but not saving/loading writing) to remove hardware dependence on timing. In the video you can see all footage that has been recorded after the game saves to end a segment (generally after a loading screen or when seeing / taking control of the character), but I also subtracted these parts from the time, following SDA rules. I removed all loading screens at the start of segments from the video as well. The final time is then 2 hours, 44 minutes and 1 second. This run was done on PC, with version 1.0.0 and medium graphics settings, using a Logitech controller. There is one major glitch used in this run called ultrablending, ...
