"Assassin's Creed: Revelations", walkthrough (100% sync), Sequence 1: A Sort of Homecoming

Assassin's Creed: Revelations

2014-03-15 00:36:25 en 0


Memory timeline on the video: - A Narrow Escape 10:50 - A Journal of Some Kind 16:27 - A Hard Ride 20:20 - The Wounded Eagle 25:35 Full walkthrough in HD quality of the game "Assassin's Creed: Revelations" (released in 2011). This walkthrough covers 100% completion (full synchronization) of the game. Separate videos for collectables as Animus Data Fragments and Ishak Pasha's Memoir Pages were uploaded outside the game plot walkthrough to make the gameplay process during the mission tasks smooth and enjoyable. DLC pack "The Lost Archives" was also introduced. All the scenario scenes, dialogues and some of the database were included in the video, from the intro of the game till the credits at the end, hence the watchers can understand the storyline of the game. The readable content were opened for very short period of time during the gameplay, so use "pause" if you are interested in their content. Highest graphic parameters were selected in game options for maximal visual game experien...
